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Our objective is to quantify the impact of operationalizing ethics in the AI development process. We believe that quantifying the outcomes of operationalizing ethics in AI development is a necessary first step in the widespread adoption of ethical frameworks and guidelines. This integration is incredibly important because getting ethics into the Ai implementation process will go a long way to ensuring that AI is used in a way that can mitigate inequality and benefit all of humanity.


Artificial intelligence is probably one of the most potentially disruptive technologies the modern world has seen. New technologies and algorithms are being implemented across nearly all sectors of the global economies. The rise of AI, its broadening reach, and its fast-paced implementation have brought about many ethical concerns. Coinciding with the fast-paced and growing implementation of these technologies there has been a myriad of principles and guidelines established to mitigate the potentially harmful effects of AI. There is a growing concern, not just among philosophers and ethicists, but also technologists and innovators that there is an imminent need for the operationalization of ethics in the AI design process to mitigate the potentially harmful effects of AI. 

Implementation is outpaced regulation, meaning companies find themselves in a unique position to be accountable and take proactive responsibility for the ethical development of these disruptive technologies, but to do this effectively it will be necessary to prove that the implementation of these guidelines does not slow down the pace of innovation and even better to prove that by operationalizing ethics in the technology development process it will in fact lead to positive business outcomes.

Although many frameworks and guidelines exist for operationalizing ethics in AI development, there are no standards, and no studies have been done to measure the outcomes from implementing these frameworks and guidelines. Our multidisciplinary research investigates this problem of quantifying the implementation of ethics in the design process to contribute to the evolving dialogue and positively influence the design and governance of AI technologies.


Aiforgood Asia in collaboration with Ethical Intelligence has a research excellence strategy that involves conducting original research using a global scenario-based simulation to measure business outcomes when operationalizing ethics in AI development. Our strategy emphasizes methodological innovation and focuses on international collaboration. We work with some of the world's leading technology companies and top researchers to understand the scientific impact of operationalizing ethics in the AI development process.

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As part of our research objective we will regularly be publishing articles and papers highlighting the original research we are conducting:

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Executive Summary

A variety of different ethical issues and potential outcomes of AI have led to an extensive yet somewhat ill-defined discourse surrounding the implementation of ethical principles in AI development. This lack of clarity has led to a need for a better understanding of the definitions of ethical principles and the connection they have to potentially negative outcomes. This paper aims to define the relationship between ethical principles and potential outcomes arising from the use or implementation of AI technologies.

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